February 23, 2024

Stock Tank Pool: A Complete Guide for Your Backyard Oasis

Create your backyard oasis with our stock tank pool guide, covering setup, maintenance tips, and sa…

Awesome Stock Tank Pool

Stock tank pools have gained popularity in recent years as an affordable and versatile alternative to traditional above-ground or in-ground pools. These galvanized metal water troughs, originally designed for livestock, offer a unique aesthetic that can complement various outdoor spaces. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the advantages of stock tank pools and provide valuable information on setting up your own.

You’ll learn about procuring necessary supplies, installation processes, essential maintenance tips such as filtration system options and manual cleaning techniques. Additionally, we will delve into water quality management by discussing pH level testing and adjusting chemical treatments to ensure a safe swimming environment.

Lastly, safety precautions around your pool area are crucial; therefore we will cover security measures for children and pets along with mosquito netting installation advice. We’ll also help you choose the right location for your stock tank pool by considering space requirements and sunlight management through shading options. Dive into this informative guide to make the most out of your backyard oasis!

stock tank pool

Stock Tank Pool. (n.d.). cowboypools.com. https://www.cowboypools.com/cdn/shop/products/CowboyPoolsWinter_byCristinaFisher1-14.jpg?v=1681938150&width=1296

Stock Tank Pool Advantages

stock tank pool

Stock Tank PoP. (n.d.). https://suburbanpop.files.wordpress.com/2020/09/img_2260.jpg

Stock tank pools are the new cool kids on the block. They’re affordable, versatile, and blend in with your outdoor space. You can put them on your deck, patio, or even in a small yard. The most popular size is an eight-foot stock tank pool, which costs significantly less than traditional in-ground pools.

Affordability compared to other types of pools

Stock tank pools are a budget-friendly option compared to other types of pools. You can get a typical galvanized metal stock tank from stores like Tractor Supply Company for only a few hundred dollars. In-ground pools can range from a hefty $20K to an exorbitant $100K, while above-ground options are more economical, coming in at around one and five grand. Inflatable kiddie pools are affordable at under $100, but they don’t last long term, leading to multiple replacements throughout the seasons.

Versatility for placement options

Stock tank pools offer incredible flexibility regarding where they can be situated around property lines. They’re easy enough to move if needed without causing too much disruption to your overall landscape design plans. Additionally, they come in various sizes and shapes, allowing you to find the perfect fit for your outdoor area. With a little creativity and some DIY skills, you can even customize your pool by adding features like benches or decking around it.

Don’t forget to add chlorine tablets to keep the standing water clean and safe for swimming. And when you’re not using your pool, cover it up to prevent debris from getting in.

If you’re seeking an enjoyable and cost-effective way to chill this summer, why not give a stock tank pool a try? Your outdoor space will thank you.

“Upgrade your outdoor space with a budget-friendly and versatile stock tank pool. Stay cool this summer without breaking the bank. ️ #outdoorliving #DIYprojects #gardening”Click to Tweet

Setting Up Your Stock Tank Pool

stock tank pool

Setting up a stock tank pool may seem daunting, but once you have the supplies, installation is a breeze. Consult experts like Cowboy Pools in Austin or Jonestown’s Stock Tank Love for advice on selecting the right size and style for your needs.

Procuring Necessary Supplies

  • Get a stock tank: Find galvanized metal water troughs at stores like Tractor Supply Company. Choose one that fits your outdoor space and budget.
  • Select a pump/filter system: Keep your pool clean with a proper filtration system. Consider options like pond filters or regular swimming pool filters.
  • Gather additional accessories: Chlorine tablets, hoses, skimmers, and thermometers will help maintain water quality and make maintenance easier.
  • Create a stable base: Ensure level ground for the stock tank by using pavers or sandbags if necessary.

The Installation Process

  1. Clean the stock tank: Rinse out any debris before filling with water to ensure cleanliness from day one.
  2. Create an overflow hole: Prevent overfilling by drilling a hole near the top of the stock tank and installing an overflow pipe to direct excess water away from the pool area.
  3. Set up filtration system: Attach the pump/filter system according to manufacturer instructions, ensuring proper circulation and filtration. This may require drilling additional holes in the side or bottom of the stock tank for plumbing connections.
  4. Add water: Fill the stock tank with clean water using a garden hose. Add necessary chemicals like chlorine tablets, following recommended dosages based on pool size.
  5. Cover when not in use: Invest in a pool cover to prevent debris accumulation, reduce evaporation, and keep curious pets or children out of harm’s way.

In no time, you’ll have transformed a galvanized metal trough into an inviting oasis perfect for cooling off during hot summer days.

Key Thought:

Transforming a galvanized metal trough into an inviting oasis for cooling off during hot summer days is easy with a stock tank pool. Procure necessary supplies like the right size and style of water trough, pump/filter system, chlorine tablets, hoses, skimmers and thermometers. Create a stable base using pavers or sandbags if needed before cleaning the stock tank and setting up filtration systems according to manufacturer instructions.

Essential Maintenance Tips

Proper maintenance is crucial to ensure the longevity of your stock tank pool. Regular cleaning and water quality management can help keep your pool looking great and functioning efficiently. Here are some essential tips for maintaining your stock tank pool:

Filtration System Options

To maintain clean water in your stock tank pool, you’ll need an effective filtration system. There are several options available, such as pond filters, which can be attached directly to the side of the tank or submerged within it. Another option is using a traditional swimming pool filter that circulates water through a separate pump and filter unit before returning it back into the container itself.

  • Pond Filters: These filters are designed specifically for small bodies of water like stock tanks, making them ideal for this application.
  • Swimming Pool Filters: Although more expensive than pond filters, these units offer greater filtering capacity suitable for larger pools or those with heavier usage.

Manual Cleaning Techniques

In addition to installing a filtration system, manual cleaning should also be performed regularly to remove debris from the bottom of the tank and prevent algae growth on its walls. Some tools you may find helpful include pool skimmers, brushes, and handheld vacuums. To ensure your pool stays in tip-top shape, these tools can make maintenance a breeze.

  • Pool Skimmers: Use a skimmer to remove floating debris like leaves, grass clippings, and insects from the surface of the water.
  • Brushes: Regularly brush the sides and bottom of your stock tank pool to prevent algae buildup and maintain a clean swimming environment.
  • Handheld Vacuums: These devices are perfect for removing dirt, sand, or other small particles that may have settled on the bottom of your pool. They’re easy to use and require minimal setup time.

Maintaining your stock tank pool doesn’t have to be difficult. With proper filtration systems in place alongside regular manual cleaning techniques, you’ll enjoy crystal-clear water all season long. Don’t forget to cover your pool when not in use to prevent standing water and consider using chlorine tablets to keep your water clean. Happy swimming.

Key Thought:

Maintaining a stock tank pool requires regular cleaning and water quality management. Installing an effective filtration system, using manual cleaning techniques such as skimmers, brushes, and handheld vacuums can help keep the pool clean. Don’t forget to cover the pool when not in use and consider using chlorine tablets for crystal-clear water all season long.

Water Quality Management

Maintaining optimal water quality in your stock tank pool is essential for a safe and enjoyable swimming experience. Regularly testing pH levels alongside chlorine concentrations helps keep the environment clean and prevents algae growth over time. Monitoring any changes closely allows you to adjust chemical treatments accordingly based upon findings.

Testing pH Levels Regularly

Don’t let your stock tank pool become a science experiment gone wrong. Weekly testing of the pH level should be done to keep your pool in balance. The ideal range for a healthy stock tank pool is between 7.2 and 7.6, which can be measured using test strips or digital testers. If the pH is not within the desired range, you may need to add chemicals like soda ash or muriatic acid to bring it back into balance.

Adjusting Chemical Treatments

Chlorine is your friend when it comes to keeping your stock tank pool clean and sanitary. Chlorine tablets are commonly used as they dissolve slowly, providing consistent sanitization throughout the day without requiring constant attention from homeowners.

  • Type: Choose either stabilized or unstabilized chlorine tablets, depending on whether your outdoor space receives direct sunlight most of the day.
  • Dosage: Follow manufacturer recommendations regarding tablet quantity based on your specific stock tank size; generally speaking, one tablet per 5,000 gallons should suffice.
  • Floating Dispenser: Invest in a floating dispenser that can hold the tablets and distribute them evenly throughout your pool, ensuring proper sanitization.

Remember to check chlorine levels regularly and adjust tablet usage as needed. If you notice a strong odor or skin irritation after swimming, it may be an indication that adjustments are necessary. By staying vigilant with water quality management, you’ll ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone who uses your stock tank pool.

Looking for a stock tank pool? Check out Tractor Supply Company for a variety of galvanized metal water troughs that can be transformed into above-ground pools. Don’t forget to invest in a pool cover to prevent standing water and inflatable kiddie pools for the little ones.

Key Thought:

To ensure a safe and enjoyable swimming experience in your stock tank pool, it is important to regularly test pH levels and adjust chemical treatments accordingly. Chlorine tablets are commonly used for sanitization, with dosage based on the size of your pool and whether it receives direct sunlight. Don’t forget to invest in a floating dispenser and check chlorine levels regularly.

Safety Precautions for Your Stock Tank Pool

When it comes to your outdoor space, safety should always be a top priority, especially if you have a stock tank pool. Here are some tips to keep your pool area safe for everyone:

Security Measures for Children and Pets

  • Fencing: Install a fence with self-closing gates around the pool area to keep unsupervised children and pets from accessing it.
  • Covers: Use a sturdy pool cover when not in use to prevent accidents involving kids or animals falling into the water.
  • Ladders: Remove any ladders leading up to your stock tank pool after each use to prevent young ones or curious pets from climbing inside unattended.
  • Rules & Supervision: Establish clear rules about using the pool safely and always supervise swimming activities closely.

Mosquito Netting Installation

Standing water, a breeding ground for mosquitoes carrying diseases like West Nile Virus, can be prevented by using mosquito netting to cover the pool surface when not in use. To keep mosquitoes at bay, use mosquito netting to cover the water surface when not in use. You can also add larvicides like mosquito dunks or mosquito bits that release bacteria toxic only to mosquito larvae. These products are safe for humans and pets, making them an ideal choice for maintaining a comfortable environment around your stock tank pool without resorting to harmful chemicals.

By implementing these safety precautions, you can enjoy your stock tank pool without worrying about potential hazards. So, take a dip and cool off in your galvanized metal oasis.

stock tank pool

“Stay safe while enjoying your stock tank pool. Install a fence, use sturdy covers, remove ladders & establish rules. #OutdoorLiving #DIYProjects ️”Click to Tweet

Choosing the Right Location

When picking a spot for your stock tank pool, think about space, accessibility, and sun exposure. Shade is key to keeping the water cool and comfortable for everyone.

Space Considerations

Maximize your stock tank pool by choosing a location with enough room for swimming, lounging, and entertaining guests. Watch out for obstacles like trees or structures that could get in the way or damage your above-ground pool over time.

Shading Options for Sunlight Management

Direct sunlight can make the water too hot and cause evaporation, leading to frequent refilling. Combat this by installing sun sails, cantilever umbrellas, or tall shrubs nearby to provide natural shade without blocking the view. Easy access to indoor spaces like kitchens is also important, while maintaining privacy in relaxation zones.

Proper Drainage

Choose a location that allows excess water to flow away from the pool area naturally. Avoid low-lying areas where water may accumulate after heavy rainfalls. This will prevent standing water issues and keep your outdoor space looking clean and inviting all season long.

“Create the ultimate outdoor oasis with a stock tank pool. Choose the perfect location, maximize space, manage sunlight and ensure proper drainage for endless summer fun. #outdoorliving #stocktankpool ️”Click to Tweet

FAQs in Relation to Stock Tank Pool

What are the downsides of a stock tank pool?

The limited size may not be suitable for larger families or swimming activities, and rusting can occur if not properly maintained, requiring regular upkeep to ensure water quality and safety.

What is the life expectancy of a stock tank pool?

A well-maintained stock tank pool can last up to 10 years or more, depending on factors such as proper installation, consistent maintenance practices, and protection from harsh weather conditions.

What is a good size for a stock tank pool?

An 8-foot diameter by 2-foot deep stock tank is ideal for most homeowners, providing enough space for adults to relax while still being manageable in terms of installation and upkeep.

Can you swim in a stock tank pool?

While you can’t fully swim in a typical stock tank due to their shallow depth, they’re great for wading or lounging on hot summer days, providing relief from heat without requiring extensive space or investment compared to traditional pools.


Overall, stock tank pools are a great option for homeowners who want an affordable and versatile way to enjoy their outdoor space. They can be easily installed with the right supplies and maintained with regular care.

By monitoring pH levels, chlorine concentrations, and ensuring safety measures are in place, you can create a safe and enjoyable environment for yourself and your guests. Don’t forget to consult experts before making any purchases or installations to ensure that you’re getting the best advice possible!